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Self (de)centered Love
For millennia Christians the world over have been intentional about their focus during the 40 days leading up to Resurrection Sunday...

5 Ways to Love Like Jesus
In Luke 6:40, Jesus says, “The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” We can...

The Gift of God's Empowering Presence- The Holy Spirit
This outline is a brief Biblical overview that highlights the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit with humanity. The structure is...

The Priority of Love from the Apostle Peter
Jesus taught that loving God and our neighbor was highest priority—“first and greatest commands” (Matthew 22:36-40). His most detailed...

Christian Meditation?
“Reading and reflection is at the very heart of biblical meditation. We graze and ruminate on the text in a very leisurely and...

Tips for Scripture Memory
One of the most common frustrations we hear from participants on our weekend seminars and retreats is the trouble they have memorizing...

Priority of Love
Jesus taught that loving God and our neighbor was highest priority—“first and greatest commands” (Matthew 22:36-40). His most detailed...

God is Love, and more!
John wrote, “God is love.” But there are many other aspects of God’s character. We suggest they are simply various expressions of his...

The Trinity Defined
From the Athanasian Creed (c. 300s A.D.) And the catholic [i.e., Christian] faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and...

One God in Three Persons
One of the most wonderful and unique truths of the Christian faith is that God is Triune—one God in three persons (i.e., God the Father,...

What is Doing Good?
We can do good in many ways. But God seems to also define “doing good” in particular ways through the prophet Isaiah: “Learn to do good;...

Disadvantaging Ourselves for Others
In 2 Corinthians 8:9, Jesus says the following through Paul: “Remember my grace, the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ, that though I was...

The Spirit's Role in Prayer Pt. 1
We Never Pray Alone! Romans 8:28. Do you know it? If you do, do you ever think of it as a prayer passage? Paul wrote: “And we know that...

The Spirit's Role in Prayer Pt. 2
How the Spirit Intercedes for Us I concluded the previous post emphasizing that “we never pray alone! The Spirit himself intercedes for...
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